Smart Economic Growth

Main street

In order to boost tax revenue, Pacifica needs several large businesses to settle in our town.  However, this needs to be done responsibly.  Mary believes that the City Council must encourage development that includes community benefit agreements, such as creation of affordable housing units and development of green, communal spaces.  Mary will advocate that any and all development must be environmentally friendly, inclusive of low income residents and help boost tax revenue for our general fund. 

Creating mixed use buildings along Palmetto is a great place to start development.  Combining several large anchor stores with small businesses and adding affordable housing on top would create a thriving Main Street.  Furthermore, supporting local art projects will help to keep the charm of our city and additional signage will encourage people to come to Pacifica to shop and play.  

Additionally, recreational cannabis establishments in Pacifica are estimated to bring in roughly $360,000 annually in tax revenue.  Mary’s work with the Pacifica Prevention Partnership includes research and implementation of strategies to work with cannabis merchants to assure that they are participating in prevention work, compliant with regulations and local laws and can maintain a thriving, healthy business which will help Pacifica fund countless other economic endeavors.