Protecting Our Local Environment

Water, Parks, Beaches, & Trails

Recently reports were released stating that San Pedro Creek is listed on the Clean Water Act 303(d) list of impaired water bodies due to high bacteria levels. Mary has always advocated for local solutions to local issues, which is why Mary supports the Pacifica Beach Coalition. PBC brings community members together to nurture and restore our ocean, beaches, wildlife, and coastal environments. When she is on the City Council, Mary will continue to work with and push for funding for our hometown advocates.

As chair of Pacifica’s Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, Mary knows how important it is to support programs that enhance the health and vitality of our city. Our incredible open spaces and trails are imperative for sustaining the recreation, serenity and beauty of Pacifica. Working closely with the Open Space and Parkland Advisory Committee will ensure sustainable policies and protections for Pacifica.