Improving Transportation & Roads

Improving Transportation & Roads

Mary believes that Pacifica should focus on getting people out of their cars and onto public transportation. Right now Pacifica has limited bus service; our express bus line was removed, making it difficult for people to rely on public transportation and forcing them to wait up to an hour between buses. This lack of transportation affects the most vulnerable among us and hinders those who would prefer to leave their cars at home.

Mary believes that in order to create equitable public transportation we must partner with leaders in North County, the Coast Side, and people who have historically lacked political power yet depend on public transit. To do this, Mary has worked tirelessly to build transit oriented relationships by participating in regional transportation coalitions. With Mary on the City Council Pacifica will have a seat at the table when funding for transit projects becomes available throughout San Mateo County. Additionally, Mary will make sure that roughly 12.5% of any funding will be set aside to repair our roads, potholes and all.

Mary’s relationships with transportation coalitions will lead to future assessments, capacity building and transparent planning for transit related projects in Pacifica.